Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Selbu! Selbu!

Knit with Colinette Jitterbug, Elephant's Daydream & Vatican Pie

Joining the ranks of bloggers near and far, I have knit myself a Selbu Modern. It is such a beautiful pattern, and it's written so cleanly and clearly. And, most unbelievably, it's free.

I didn't have a 10" plate for blocking, as the pattern suggests, but it turned out fine, of course. It really does look better modeled on a head, but it's a birthday gift for my sister-in-law and it's not her birthday yet!

This was a really fun knit. And I'm pretty proud of myself because I am a die-hard thrower who learned Continental just for this hat! I still prefer my English, but the two-handed certainly made this a quick knit.


Jessica said...

I really like that! I wish I could knit, I want to wear all those things.

The A.D.D. Knitter said...

Absolutely gorgeous!!